lördag 29 september 2012

Yesstyle: Asian Fashion

I promised for a very long time ago that I would suggest a very good website, which you can order  very special clothes. I have also received requests from readers that I will show you the things I bought,
I made my first order from this website at the beginning of this year but I do not feel like show that order it feels pretty boring so I thought I show my recent order instead.
I personally love this web page. The have very many different still from Korea
as well as
Japan, China, hong Kong and so on. This page has everything from clothes, bags, shoes to interior.
This page is called YESSTYLE: Asian Fashion , and here are some pictures from the website and it is also my order that you may see. I do not like to model my shopping so this is what you get.


Hope you enjoy ^.~

MajikkuMyujikku - PSY

This is something that many of you have been waiting for or not, but here are MajikkuMyujikku anyway and the song that I was going to share with you, I'm sure many have already heard, but I think it is a good song and he created this song / dance he is a genius here comes Gangnam style ^o^
PSY - Gangnam style
How to dance Gangnam style
Hope you enjoy

Aki is here

Annyeonghaseyo Ami is back!!
Kon'nichiwa to you all happy and not so happy people out there, it's been a while since I blog, I needed a little break.
But now I'm back and I have so much to blog about.
I love that Aki "Autumn" is here, I love that all the roads are colored in red and yellow and the rain falling outside one's window when to sleep, It´s soo cozy.
My senior year in high school has just started and it will be so much fun to finally graduate school yippy.
Okii enough about it hope all of you have been good over the past week, I have. I was going to make some pretty big blog post today.
Hope you enjoy..
Me ^.~

lördag 21 juli 2012

MajikkuMyujikku - Wonder girls ft Akon

Here comes the very first English songs on my blog, I decided that when I started this blog, I would not put up English songs, because I do not think it is intresangt. Do not take me wrong I really like the American singer but I prefer the Japanese / Korean music much more. so here's a little mix, here is Wonder Girls ft Akon with the song "Like Money" Hope you enjoy..

Wonder Girls ft Akon - LIke Money

MajikkuMyujikku - NU'EST

WOW this is my hundredth post, never thought it happen So to celebrate here are NU'EST and their new song Action. This song is about the Show Them who you really are. I hope you enjoy (づ_ど)

NU'EST - Action

Can not quit lollygagging

Annyeonghaseyo Ami here!!
Good morning to all of you wonderful people out there hope you are enjoying your summer vacation. I thought that today, you should get a lot of MajikkuMyujikku, for the moment there is so many songs out there and they is completely crazy how good they are. okii so stop with my lollygagging and hope that you will have a wonderful day .^__~

Meeeeee >¤<

torsdag 12 juli 2012

MajikkuMyujikku - B1A4

Annyeonghaseyo Ami here!!
Good morning to you all happy people hope you are well. I will soon go to my summer job but I thought of doing a quick post first. Here is a Korean group that I found today and I just love them. the group is called B1A4 and the track is called "Ok" hope you enjoy

B1A4 - OK

söndag 8 juli 2012

MajikkuMyujikku - BEAST

Here comes another MajikkuMyujikku. This is BEAST with their song "Mystery" I love this song very much. Hope you also enjoy ^o~

BEAST - Mystery

My Art

This one of my own drawings, there has been a while since I did a post with something I've done. The picture I wanted to show all of you are insper of one of the closest friends he has been a fantastic support and he is a wonderful friend, he always put me in such a good mood. so I guess this is my way of saying thank you. Hope you enjoy

I Wonder Girls day

Annyeonghaseyo Ami here!!
Good morning to all of you wonderful people out there hope you have slept well, I have. I wish you all a wonderful day and if it is night where you live so I wish you a wonderful evening. I had not thought of not making any special post today but I just had too when I found this movie.
I had no idea that wonder girls had made a short film, I'm a big fan of their music and this movie made ​​my day. I thought the movie was quite funny, very cheerful and had a lot of dance and sing, simply a wonderful movie, okii I will stop Lollygagging now. Here is the wonder girls in their new movie wonder girls hope you enjoy ^^

Part 1

Part 2

Part 3

lördag 7 juli 2012

MajikkuMyujikku - Block B

Here comes everyone's favorite post MajikkuMyujikku. I think this video is very cute, what do you think. Here is Block B with the song Tell Them.
Hope you enjoy ^.^

Block B - Tell Them

Summer Job

Annyeonghaseyo Ami here!!
Good morning to all of you wonderful people out there. I hope you are enjoying your summer vacation, I've done it anyway. The reason why I have been unable to blogg lately is is because my summer job has started and it has made me a more tired and lazy then usual, but today I had some free time so I thought of make some new posts. okii will stop lollygagging now ^^
There has been a while since I posted a new picture of me so here comes one of my new favorites

tisdag 26 juni 2012

MajikkuMyujikku - APINK and B2ST Kikwang

Annyeonghaseyo Ami here!!
Here's a quick post, hope all of you happy people out there have had a wonderful day. My day has been very dizzy, I feel like I've been everywhere. I'm tired so i will soon go to sleep just wanted to share with you another MajikkuMyujikku posts. So here is APINK with the song "I don´t know" ft. B2ST Kikwang.
Hope you enjoy ^.^

APINK and B2ST Kikwang - I don´t know

måndag 25 juni 2012

MajikkuMyujikku - BOYFRIEND

I was not going to do another MajikkuMyujikku posts today but when I heard that BOYFRIEND had made a super sweet new song called Love Style, I could not resist it okii no more Lollygagging..
Hope you enjoy

BOYFRIEND - Love Style
They are just too cute in this video >.<

MajikkuMyujikku - f(x)

This is f (x) with their new song Electric Shock. It seems that this Monday will include a lot of electric stuff ^ o ~
I do not know if I like this song but I hope you enjoy

f(x) - Electric Shock


Annyeonghaseyo Ami here!!

Good morning to you all super cool and happy people out there. 
How are you today. I feel crazy good, I'm not crazy just feel like this or maybe I'm crazy, okii I'm probably a little crazy. Now we can leave the crazy part  behind and just be ourselves it sounds good to me, what do you think. 

I have not made ​​any new Posts last week you may have noticed it. 
I get stuck in front of the Tv. If you did not know it, I'm a gamer. Gamer means that you have been playing video / computer games for a long time. I started playing video games when I was 3 years old. I love playing games and I play everything from Final Fantasy, Assassin's creed, Zelda to Sims and I recently started playing Modern Warfare. 

I just have to say I love playing video / computer games. 
So once I get a new game, it's very hard to stop playing it. But I thought today I would do some new  posts and then sit down and play Skyrim. 

Skyrim is the game I started playing last week. 
I like this game very much and I love dragons and it is both fun and enjoyable and the fact that one's character is a dragon born makes it very fun. At the end of this week, my game collection will upgrade and get some new and fresh game. Believe me when I say that I can continue to talk about games forever. But I will not torment you any more..

måndag 18 juni 2012

MajikkuMyujikku - Girl's Day

This is a great very summery song from Girl's Day. I found this singing group today, but I like them a lot so here are a Girl's Day with the song Hug me once, hope you enjoy

Girl's Day - Hug me once

Anime/Manga Tip

I was going to start by recommending one of my absolute favorite manga.
The name of the Manga is Sora Log and is about Hikaru.
 Hikaru is a member of the astronomy club at her school. On one beautiful starry night, she falls like a star over a boy with blonde hair that looks almost white.
The question is will they fall for each other or will they finer a lost friendship, Read the exciting future ^o^

Hope you enjoy..

Evil computer

Kon'nichiwa Ami here!!
Good afternoon to you all happy and really cool people out there. Hope everyone has a wonderful and very fun day, I hope so anyway. My yesterday was not that fun, but I we'll make up for it today or what you say. The posts came a little late today and this is because my computer decided to die, but now everything should work again. So let us begin

lördag 16 juni 2012

MajikkuMyujikku - GIRLS` GENERATION

This is GIRL'S 'GENERATION brand new song Paparazzi. First time I heard this song was yesterday. I like the song very much but I also like girls'generation a lot. Hope you enjoy ^.~


New Cute Apps

Here are some really cool tips. I thought to introduce to you a few cool and very cute apps.
The first app is called "RandomTalk", RandomTalk says it all but I will still do a short introduction. RandomTalk is an app where you can chat with anyone who has this app "obviously" but this app is must known in Asia and you really do meet random people.
My second tip is "kakaoTalk" it is a messaging app, most of those people at RandomTalk will ask if you have this app too. It is also a kind of chat room but you can not meet random people, you have to add people. I like this app better and I recommend it highly. Chatting with friends in a cuter and fun way ^o^
Both Random Talk and KakaoTalk is free apps and both apps are available for android and Iphon. You do not need download both and neither of the apps require the other one..
Hope you enjoy..

MajikkuMyujikku - BIGBANG

I really longed to make a new MajikkuMyujikku post and the song that I thought to share weed you today is BIGBANG´s new song MONSTER.
Some of you have already heard this song but I love this song and I hope you enjoy it as much as me ..


Summer vacation

Annyeonghaseyo Ami is back!!
Annyeonghaseyo all sweet people out there. Now it's finally summer.
 I have not been able to blogg at all recently the school has occupied my time, but now it's summer and I have a lot more time "happy face".
I heaped you have not missed me too much. I missed all of you a lot and to show that I missed you, I thought I'd make a lot of new posts. It sounds supper fun okii now I'll stop talking so we can start ^o~

Meee >o<

måndag 30 april 2012

MajikkuMyujikku - JQT

Here's a song that I found today which I think is very good, hope you enjoy..
JQT - PeeKaBoo

Cosplay Part 2

A lot more cosplay. In this post you will be able to see some characters from Naruto ass well ass final fantasy and so much more.. Hope you enjoy ^.~

I just love Cosplay..

söndag 29 april 2012

Hello kitty

Annyeonghaseyo Ami here!!
Good morning to all of you out there, I am aware that I have not blogged in a while have been very busy and very lazy. So now I'll just throw together a few posts before I go. Before I forget, I was shopping the other day and found HELLO KITTY soda, I'm always so happy every time I find Japanese stuff whenleast expect it. Okii here we go =^o^=

fredag 13 april 2012

Cosplay Part 1

I figured I show you a few cosplay pictures. For those of you who do not know what cosplay is, it's a kind of style you can dress up as an anime / manga or even a figure out of a video game. Have fun with..

O tanoshimi kudasai "お楽しみください" = Please enjoy