lördag 2 februari 2013

MajikkuMyujikku - YOHIO

Kon'nichiwa Ami here!!
Kon'nichiwa too all the my wonderful readers, I just had to make a post when YOHIO went to the finals in "Eurovision Song Contest" I hope he wines the entire competition 2013. But for those of you who do not know, he is from Sweden but is a very big artistic in JAPAN and I'll stop talk so you can hear his wonderful contributions ^.~

YOHIO - HeartBreak Hotel
Hope you enjoy..

onsdag 23 januari 2013

MajikkuMyujikku - BEAST

This is a song that makes me just unleash and enjoy and it´s needed in this winter weather I hope you enjoy...

BEAST - Beautiful night 

Kawaii Tamago II

Annyeonghaseyo Ami here!!
Annyeonghaseyo hope you out there have had a good day today, it has not been my day, so much has got wrong today but I was going to do one or two blog posts today to make everyone's day a little better than mine. 
So here comes a new "Kawaii Tamago" posts, and for those of you who do not know, "Kawaii Tamago" post one of my most checked out posts so this is a thank you to all my wonderful readers to all of you.

Hope you enjoy..

tisdag 15 januari 2013

MajikkuMyujikku - SUPER JUNIOR


I'm not big fan of james bond but I think SUPER JUNIOR has done a super good job on this song / clip, I think it's cute and quite fun but very nicely done.
Hope you like..


MajikkuMyujikku - Miss A


I just love the song "I don´t need a man" written by the group Miss A. However i do wonder if it's true do I really need a man who knows hihiih^.^
Hope you enjoy ..

Miss A - I don´t need a man


Annyeonghaseyo Ami is back!

Annyeonghaseyo all very wonderful readers now it's 2013 and a new sweeter year. Hope you had a great Christmas and New Year.

I am well aware that I am not so good at update, but it may be that I'm actually quite lazy and I'd love to blog about funny things that happen in my live, but when nothing happens, there is not much to write about and then it becomes boring. So I've decided that I blog when I have time and there will be a lot more after I graduated, and especially when funny things happen in my life.

Right now I have school and a part time job and a lot of homework to take care of, you may think it is not so much but when you have dyslexia like me. It's pretty tough, and since I have decided to write my blog in English, it becomes a little difficult because English is not my first language. Which also means that my Posts takes time to do. 

Okii I'll stop being difficult, and if you feel like yoou cant not get enough of little me and whan too know what  I'm doing you can follow me on Instagram, where I put up a few pictures every week.

Instagram: Sweetmajikku
Here is some pics from my Instagram

Hope you enjoy ^.~