onsdag 14 mars 2012

Obby Obby

Kon'nichiwa Ami here!!
Good evening to you all happy and not so happy people out there. I hope everyone out there has been good in the recent weeks. I am aware that I have not blogged in a while now, first it was because I started reading a good book it was very hard to put my book aside, but no worries now I've finished reading the book yeepy. Then I became extremely depressed so I could not do anything, I was just so sad and then school came in the way. I intend to start blogging for 3 weeks ago but I was too lazy, now I'll try to do it as often as I can but I can not promise anything.
It is a pretty old picture of me but I do not have any new pictures to show...
got a little comment today and I think I know who it is from. I Have bought some Japanese / korianska clothes and the question is "could you show pictures of it and tell us where you bought it."
  yes can show you what I boughtand and where but I will not do it today in this post. First I have to take pictures of the things I bought so you can see them, more informatione will come later.

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