tisdag 8 november 2011

Bubble party

Annyeonghaseyo Ami here!!
Good afternoon to all of you happy people out there. Wow, it really was a while since I last made a new post. I will not close down the blog if anyone is wondering. I apologize that I have not blogged in a while, it's because I've been very busy with school. my live right now is like a Korean drama is just a mess, you just have to love to be me. But I'll get better I promise, I love to blog and take new photos to the blog is always fun, but enough of that boring stuff. I hope everyone has had it well over the past few weeks, anyway.

I wonder what I have done more, it's not just school, we had a fashion show in my class for a couple of weeks ago, it was very fun to be a model, have no pictures from the show but have a few pictures behind the scenes. In two weeks, I will maybe go as a model again we'll see i will be fun, I hope do not fall.
 Here are some pictures of me

Hope you enjoy ^-^

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