tisdag 15 november 2011

MajikkuMyūjikku - F(x)

I have saved this song untill it wes I littel colder outside, so that you can think back to simmer. This song is  all about summer and the heat.
 F(x) - Hot Summer
Hope you enjoy.. Until next time Sayōnara -^o^-

My Creations

This is one of my pictures that I've drawn. I made this image 10 / 11 -2011 hope you like it...
Love hugs >____<

Babbling Bubble

Annyeonghaseyo Ami here!!
Good morning to you out there hope you have slept well, I did. I wake up for about 20 minutes ago, is quite awake I think. But enough of that going to make some new posts now and I will study, I'm home because I'm sick but I miss a whole lot in school so I have to study to catch up. But enough about that let's have fun.. ^o^

måndag 14 november 2011

I can barely

Annyeonghaseyo Ami here!!
Good evening to you out there, there were a couple of days ago I made a post in the blog, has been busy with the stud and some reading and the party on Saturday that ended with things broke down, and many went home crying. but what can you expect when alcohol is involved .. I have not done so much more, well, I have managed to get sick. but what can you do... there will  be no more posts from me today because I'm dying here.. oh no I will survive...
Until next time Sayōnara.. ^o^

onsdag 9 november 2011

Japanese Movie "High School debut"

I thought I would suggest a Japanese movie I saw two days ago. it is very funny and it is a typical Japanese movies, this film is based on a manga called "Koukou Debut".

The movie called High School debut. It is about Haruna Nagashima, a Girls Who spent most of her time Focusing on athletics. However, now that she's Entered high school, she wants to shift her focus to finding a boy to fall into love with. She's not sure how to Proceed toward her new goal, HAVING no knowledge of fashion trends or How to Become more attractive to boys, so she BEGS a popular boy named Yoh Komiyama to Becoming her "coach" after a chance encounter. He agree to coach her ​​on one condition: that she Does not Fall in Love with HIM. She agree to his terms, but It Is not long before she finds herself falling for him anyway. Hope you enjoy ^-^
 This is today's last post, but until we meet again Sayōnara..

MajikkuMyūjikku - U-KISS

This is a magic post, but the music is so good so stop complaining. I want it to be winter so you can make snow angels, I love snow angels and this song comes close. Hope you enjoy ^o^


Really a party What

Annyeonghaseyo Ami here!!
Good evening all hope you out there have had a good day today I did. Has done a lot of things today, school fun as always. I helped a buddy who is having a party this Saturday will be so much fun, you never know what will happen scary.... but enough about it i will blog a little bit now, then I start studying....
OH Ugly me  X____x

tisdag 8 november 2011

Good Morning to al party people

Kon'nichiwa Ami here!!
Good morning to you all happy readers out there, hope everyone has been slept good. I have slept well but is litte tired but what can you do really. It's pretty early in the morning ready for school "NO", had a little time this morning too make a post. Will blog more later after I got home, my school day ends quite early today. I hope all of you will have a super good morning and day. So see you soon hope you do not miss me too much, if you do miss me I will cry a river build a bridge so you can get over it.. X__x
I am sorry forgive my sun-bleached joke...

A little different

Okii today's last post I have to also be able to sleep of course. So we should do crazy things now of course we will learn how to say good night in many languages ​​"you will correct me if I'm wrong okii here we go"
Japanese- Yoi oyasumi
Korean- Annyeonghi jumuseyo
Portuguese- Boa noite
Chinese- Wǎnshàng hǎo
Swedich- God natt
English- Good night
So many I could believe it would be more but but what can you do, but now I need to say good night wait, I have already done it, hi no fun. Until we meet again Sayōnara

MajikkuMyūjikku - ET ISLAND

Here comes another "MajikkuMyūjikku" can not get enough of music. At the moment this is the song is the best thing that ever has been made​​, but I change my mind as fast as I change mobbil which is never, no I am kidding..  And this is the song hope you enjoy

FT ISLAND - Hello Hello

Japanese Movie "Paradise kiss"

I thought I should tell about a Japanese film that I saw a week ago, the movie was wonderful, some of the clips in the movie was very beautiful.

The movie is called paradise kiss, it's about Yukari, she is a typical high school student who listen to her parents and goes to school every day like a good girl. As she starts to question her way of life and that's when she meets a group of fashion design student who has a clothing line known as "Paradise Kiss". The group needs to find a model to showcase their designs in an up-coming fashion show and Decides to pick Yukari as their model. How will this end when Yukari did not even want to be a model, Want to know see the movie...

Hope you enjoy ^-^

MajikkuMyūjikku - BOYFRIEND

Here's a song is that i like a lot, This is probably the sweetened Korean group I know, hope you enjoy.

BOYFRIEND - Boyfriend

Bubble party

Annyeonghaseyo Ami here!!
Good afternoon to all of you happy people out there. Wow, it really was a while since I last made a new post. I will not close down the blog if anyone is wondering. I apologize that I have not blogged in a while, it's because I've been very busy with school. my live right now is like a Korean drama is just a mess, you just have to love to be me. But I'll get better I promise, I love to blog and take new photos to the blog is always fun, but enough of that boring stuff. I hope everyone has had it well over the past few weeks, anyway.

I wonder what I have done more, it's not just school, we had a fashion show in my class for a couple of weeks ago, it was very fun to be a model, have no pictures from the show but have a few pictures behind the scenes. In two weeks, I will maybe go as a model again we'll see i will be fun, I hope do not fall.
 Here are some pictures of me

Hope you enjoy ^-^