tisdag 4 oktober 2011

So slepy

Annyeonghaseyo Ami here!!
Good evening to you out there, there will be no posts today. I just had a lot to do today and now I have no energy left. The school will kill me but if you want to get somewhere in life, you have to get up
every morning and do what you must do, even though you'd rather want to stay in bed. But enough about that, so what have I done today besides school, more school and you can guess school. I was also out on the town with clara and we took pictures for our blogs, a fun day...    > , <

Here are some of the pictures we took today, if you want to see pictures of clara, you go to her blog: I´m like Google, but with a nicer name

Hope you enjoyed. Tomorrow there will be more posts but until next time Sayōnara....

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