tisdag 11 oktober 2011

MajikkuMyūjikku - Secret

Here's a song is very sweet, hope you enjoy...

Secret - Shy Boy

I am so sorry

Annyeonghaseyo Ami here!!!
Good afternoon to you all out there. hope you had a good weekend and a great start to the week, hope you have not missed me too much. I have not been able to update the blog because I have been studying all weekend and after all this studying I went to the movies with my mom and brother, we were looking at "the three musketeers". The movie was super good if you have time go and see it. then I had some other things to do. I will be busy for a while and I hope you understand why. but enough about that, I will put up some new posts today and I hope you will like....

fredag 7 oktober 2011

Friday yee

Kon'nichiwa Ami here!!
Good evening to you out there hope you had a good day. Yee now it's finally Friday and what I've done this wonderful Friday I have first of all been in school after school I stayed to study some have lots of homework that must be finished next week. But enough about that, then I was and bought some candy to have movie night. So have a nice Friday until next time Sayōnara... ^^

torsdag 6 oktober 2011

MajikkuMyūjikku - IU

Annyeonghaseyo !!
All this talk about the marshmallow as I wrote the last post, I realized that there is a song called Marshmallow. Hope you will like it ...
IU - Marshmallow

Espresso House

Annyeonghaseyo Ami here!!
Good afternoon to you out there hope you had a good day today. it was good today in school, had much to do but it was fun. At lunch me and some friends went to Espresso House and took a coffee break but without the coffee it was so nice, just getting in a hot chocolate with whipped cream and marshmallows and chocolate sauce on topen...
Yummy Yummy
But enough about that now. I'll blog about some stuff hope you will like...
Little me > , <

onsdag 5 oktober 2011

Korean Drama "Secret garden"

Annyeonghaseyo !!
Is today's last post on the blog. I would suggest a parody that BIGBANG have done, this is a parody of a Korean drama so called secret garden. Hope you will like this Korean parody as much as me .. I still want to remind you that in BIGBANG group, it's just guys....

Until next time Sayōnara...

My photos

Here's a little different posts. I like being creative so, I also have quite an interest in taking pictures so I thought I would show some of these images. Hope you like them, would want to describe the pictures like sad but with a bright side...


MajikkuMyūjikku - BIGBANG

Annyeonghaseyo !!
It's been a while since I put up a MajikkuMyūjikku posts but do not be sad because now it is here, and this time I'll tell about one of Korea's best artists. They call themselves BIGBANG. Hope you enjoy...

BIGBANG - Tell Me Goodbye

Bubble Bubble

Annyeonghaseyo Ami here!!
Good afternoon to you out there, hope you had a good day. I have been in school today, has not done anything special. Now I'm updating the blog for you, then I start studying has some homework that must be done. *--*


tisdag 4 oktober 2011

So slepy

Annyeonghaseyo Ami here!!
Good evening to you out there, there will be no posts today. I just had a lot to do today and now I have no energy left. The school will kill me but if you want to get somewhere in life, you have to get up
every morning and do what you must do, even though you'd rather want to stay in bed. But enough about that, so what have I done today besides school, more school and you can guess school. I was also out on the town with clara and we took pictures for our blogs, a fun day...    > , <

Here are some of the pictures we took today, if you want to see pictures of clara, you go to her blog: I´m like Google, but with a nicer name

Hope you enjoyed. Tomorrow there will be more posts but until next time Sayōnara....

måndag 3 oktober 2011

My friend's impression of the world

This will be my last post for today, then I have a wonderful dating with my hello kitty pillow. But first I'll tell you about one of my wonderful friends, her name is Clara and she also has a blog that I follow. Clara is probably the happiest person I know. Would be super happy if you check out her blog. I have helped her to take some of the pictures "Not all of them", you can see them on the blog. Clara makes a fashion blog but her blog is also about her life. Hope you will enjoy.. > , <

This is Clara's blog: I´m like Google, but with a nicer name
 This is one of those pictures I have taken of Clara. So cute you are ....

My Creations

This is one of my pictures that I've drawn. I made this image 2/10-2011 hope you like it...

Anime/Manga part 2

Kon'nichiwa Anime geeks !!
Here's my own little creations, hope you enjoy...  -^___^-

Oh bubble party

Annyeonghaseyo Ami here!!
Good afternoon to everyone out there, hope everyone had a good day. I've been busy with school. It's weird to be back in school after been sick for almost a week, but life goes on, I feel much better and is much happier. So what should we do today, I do not know it may be a surprise...

söndag 2 oktober 2011

Slepy bubble party

Annyeonghaseyo Ami here!!
Good evening to all people out there. Hope you had a good day, there was no update today because I have other things to do, but I hope you have not missed me too much. I'll make more posts in the morning but now I well go to sleep so until next time Sayōnara.... > , <

lördag 1 oktober 2011

Chapter one

Kon'nichiwa !!
In today's post I thought to teach you some Japanese. Hope you'll like..

When you meet someone in Japan you probably add words to the end of their names to show respect, here are some examples ..
  • Name -San = a form of politeness, as in English " Mr.Brown, Mrs. Brown or Miss Brown "
  • Name -kun = corresponds to "young man" or "young lady" kun is mostly used for boys.
  • Name -Chan = corresponds to "little sweet" and is mostly used for children or girls.
  • Name -Sama = corresponds to "honorable" or "revered" and is almost too exaggerated politeness.
  • Name -Senpai = corresponds to "they came before us" is used for older people in school just older people, but they must be older than yourselfe.
Here are some examples of how to use these polite phrases:
  • Ayumi -san
  • Hansu -kun
  • Kojima -chan
  • Fujuware -sama
  • Naoki -senpai

Greetings and Apologies:
Here are a few greetings that can be useful.
  • Hello -Kon'nichiwa こんにちは
  • Good morning - Ohayōgozaima おはようございます
  • Gooodnight - Oyasumi おやすみ
  • Goodbye - Sayōnara さようなら
  • Sorry -Sumimasen スミマセン
  • I´m so sorry -Gomen'nasai ごめんなさい
  • No reason -Riyū nashi 理由なし
  • Is okay -Daijōbudesu 大丈夫です

Bubble party

Annyeonghaseyo Ami here!!
Good morning everyone, hope you have slept well. I am going to do a little post in the blog today. Then I continued playing Dead Island. The game is super fun but pretty disgusting and there are body parts flying around. I will not tell you anything more about the game, it's so disgusting...