lördag 21 juli 2012

MajikkuMyujikku - Wonder girls ft Akon

Here comes the very first English songs on my blog, I decided that when I started this blog, I would not put up English songs, because I do not think it is intresangt. Do not take me wrong I really like the American singer but I prefer the Japanese / Korean music much more. so here's a little mix, here is Wonder Girls ft Akon with the song "Like Money" Hope you enjoy..

Wonder Girls ft Akon - LIke Money

MajikkuMyujikku - NU'EST

WOW this is my hundredth post, never thought it happen So to celebrate here are NU'EST and their new song Action. This song is about the Show Them who you really are. I hope you enjoy (づ_ど)

NU'EST - Action

Can not quit lollygagging

Annyeonghaseyo Ami here!!
Good morning to all of you wonderful people out there hope you are enjoying your summer vacation. I thought that today, you should get a lot of MajikkuMyujikku, for the moment there is so many songs out there and they is completely crazy how good they are. okii so stop with my lollygagging and hope that you will have a wonderful day .^__~

Meeeeee >¤<

torsdag 12 juli 2012

MajikkuMyujikku - B1A4

Annyeonghaseyo Ami here!!
Good morning to you all happy people hope you are well. I will soon go to my summer job but I thought of doing a quick post first. Here is a Korean group that I found today and I just love them. the group is called B1A4 and the track is called "Ok" hope you enjoy

B1A4 - OK

söndag 8 juli 2012

MajikkuMyujikku - BEAST

Here comes another MajikkuMyujikku. This is BEAST with their song "Mystery" I love this song very much. Hope you also enjoy ^o~

BEAST - Mystery

My Art

This one of my own drawings, there has been a while since I did a post with something I've done. The picture I wanted to show all of you are insper of one of the closest friends he has been a fantastic support and he is a wonderful friend, he always put me in such a good mood. so I guess this is my way of saying thank you. Hope you enjoy

I Wonder Girls day

Annyeonghaseyo Ami here!!
Good morning to all of you wonderful people out there hope you have slept well, I have. I wish you all a wonderful day and if it is night where you live so I wish you a wonderful evening. I had not thought of not making any special post today but I just had too when I found this movie.
I had no idea that wonder girls had made a short film, I'm a big fan of their music and this movie made ​​my day. I thought the movie was quite funny, very cheerful and had a lot of dance and sing, simply a wonderful movie, okii I will stop Lollygagging now. Here is the wonder girls in their new movie wonder girls hope you enjoy ^^

Part 1

Part 2

Part 3

lördag 7 juli 2012

MajikkuMyujikku - Block B

Here comes everyone's favorite post MajikkuMyujikku. I think this video is very cute, what do you think. Here is Block B with the song Tell Them.
Hope you enjoy ^.^

Block B - Tell Them

Summer Job

Annyeonghaseyo Ami here!!
Good morning to all of you wonderful people out there. I hope you are enjoying your summer vacation, I've done it anyway. The reason why I have been unable to blogg lately is is because my summer job has started and it has made me a more tired and lazy then usual, but today I had some free time so I thought of make some new posts. okii will stop lollygagging now ^^
There has been a while since I posted a new picture of me so here comes one of my new favorites